If I started the week with 9 lives I am down to 7! I was just sat the other night checking my emails when there was an almighty crash. I immediately fled with various scenarios playing in my head....had my computer screen exploded, did a gas lamp blow up or maybe we were being hailed with stones. When I peered cautiously back into the room it was covered in glass and where the skylight used to be there was a big hole. Carefully swept up but couldn't find any incoming missiles.
What made me think we were under attack?Well, earlier in the week I had attended a local village court. A disgruntled member of the public had been threatening staff and even thrown stones. He didn't understand why he was not offered the guard job and violence seemed a reasonable retaliation. The village leader called the meeting and he made a public apology to our staff with a promise not to do it again. Everyone was still a bit jumpy and my immediate thought was - the stone thrower is back.
I had a good look round the building and couldn't see any evidence of anything being thrown. The more likely explanation was the builders who had been working up on the roof. I think they dropped something and it dislodged the glass which gradually worked loose then fell.... Just inches from where I was sat, shards of glass had wedged themselves deeply into the table and my computer screen took a nasty slash. I had been really lucky to escape without a scratch.
To add to the adventure we went away at the weekend to a place where you can snorkel. Its also famous for its great surf and big waves. Since the earthquake the coast line has changed and the whole island lifted a couple of metres. The coral is now lifted out of the water and means tip toeing painfully over the razor sharp coral.
Found a small inlet where it looked ok to get into the sea, away from the big surf. Once we were in we realised that the current was being funnelled into the narrow channel and there was no way to stop ourselves being mercilessly thrown backwards and forwards with each wave. I clung on to the rock as each wave hit, trying to keep my head above water. Me hands were being torn by the coral and I couldn’t hold on I smashed into Chris, holding on behind me.

Chris managed to swim out of the channel but the waves which looked small before we entered were towering above him. At this point I had been thrown onto an outcrop of coral and manage to catch my breath. The waves continued to pound the rocks making it impossible to stand up. With each wave the coral ripped into my legs and like skidding over razors. I screamed at Chris to come back in. Finally we hauled ourselves out streaming with blood from our scrapes.

Celebrating survival