This morning I found myself in the local “police station”. Well Police station would be an exaggeration. Its more like a big shed with a whole wall missing and chickens wandering in and out at will. The officers were lazing around, one was semi clad and lying in bed, which was easily visible from the well ventilated reporting desk! We had gone to make a statement after a late night incident. Police station
View from reporting desk
About 11pm we were startled by loud shouts and screaming. When we went to investigate we saw the aftermath of a full-on fight. One of our team had been celebrating his birthday and the local trouble maker decided to beat him up. In his slightly intoxicated state our birthday boy was unable to respond and took a hammering.
The suspect ran off and has not been seen since. What counts for the local police force did show up after we sent motorbikes to pick them up. But they said before they could respond we would need to come to the office and file a report.
Filing a report involved sitting in the chicken shed while a guy took out the only piece of hi-tech equipment around – a typewriter from the 1960’s. It was intriguing to watch him plonking away for the next half hour. Underline was 50 repeated, noisy bangs of the keys.
I asked what the special force’s next move would be and after some head scratching said “well when we catch him we come and ask what you want us to do with him”. Hmm now that’s an interesting justice system. Hope I’m not placed under suspicion by the police I may not make it home for Christmas!
The suspect ran off and has not been seen since. What counts for the local police force did show up after we sent motorbikes to pick them up. But they said before they could respond we would need to come to the office and file a report.
Filing a report involved sitting in the chicken shed while a guy took out the only piece of hi-tech equipment around – a typewriter from the 1960’s. It was intriguing to watch him plonking away for the next half hour. Underline was 50 repeated, noisy bangs of the keys.
I asked what the special force’s next move would be and after some head scratching said “well when we catch him we come and ask what you want us to do with him”. Hmm now that’s an interesting justice system. Hope I’m not placed under suspicion by the police I may not make it home for Christmas!